Post about "Child Health"

Your Children’s Health Is In Your Hands

Who’s responsibility is it to ensure that your children are not getting poisons, toxins, and carcinogens in their system? Many people are relying on the medical profession, government regulations, and outside agencies to police everything for them. When something is advertised on TV or printed in the local newspapers from these agencies, it’s taken as gospel. But who is watching these agencies to make sure that they have our children’s health as their first and foremost interest? Bottom line is…you are responsible for your child’s health. It is up to you to make sure there are no conflict of interest in the stories that they report about the efficacy of drugs, vaccines, and proper dietary requirements.You should not be surprised that most of the agencies, government, and medical professions are not going to be as concerned about the side-affects of their decisions on how your child should be treated, as what you will be. After all, it’s not their child! What is in the vaccines they give children and most school systems want your child to receive in order to attend their establishment? Don’t know? You should. Never should you have your child vaccinated just because your doctor says it’s the standard.Read what the ingredients are for that vaccine and read the possible side affects. I think it would surprise a large number of people if they did that simple step for protecting their child. If you live within a city and drink, cook, and shower with your city treated water, what are you introducing to your body by way of ingestion and being absorbed through your skin? Have you ever looked to see the side affects of chlorine and fluoride?Sure the side affects might not happen tomorrow but a lifetime of exposure would be an entirely different story, don’t you think? What about the meals you prepare for your children? Are they depleted from the vitamins and minerals that their little bodies require for good balance? Are they free from pesticides, additives, and preservatives? There’s a reason why Canada and Europe have banned milk and any milk products from the United States. Do you know the reason? Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBHG) should not be in our food supply.Have you ever wondered why our children are physically maturing so early? Well just look to the milk that we feed them. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you inject this hormone into the cows in order to increase production, that they are going to pass it on to our children through drinking milk. Not only does it pass additional hormones, it also causes cells to multiply faster. We are talking bad cells (cancer) as well as normal cells.You can read about a lawsuit where two journalists were fired because they refused to sugarcoat their investigative findings on rBHG. So where is the FDA’s interest when they try to sell you the story that it’s okay for your children to ingest these chemicals? Could it be that the big corporation Monsanto has swayed their decision to declare it as safe?You be the judge and jury. As for me, I’ll stick to organic milk and beef bought from one of my local farmers. Shouldn’t you do the same…for the children’s sake? The responsibility for your children’s health truly is in your hands and your education is vitally important to their future.

Childhood Obesity – Exploring the Current Research on Child Obesity and Learning How to Reverse It

Childhood obesity statistics in the Unites States are at record highs – just like all health issues involving diet and exercise habits. In short, obesity in America is at epidemic levels as we have became the fattest nation on the planet. As we continue to tell ourselves that we are “just too busy” to plan and prepare healthful meals at home, we, and our children, grow continually larger and are significantly more likely to develop a variety of preventable diseases and health issues including, but certainly not limited to:

High cholesterol; High blood pressure (hypertension); Diabetes mellitus; Diabetes Insipidus; Kidney issues; Heart disease and circulatory problems; Cancer; Strokes; Liver disease; Arthritis; Gout; Premature aging and even death; More… While these issues used to be thought to lay in wait for adults only, they are now becoming increasingly evident in our children. The single most prevalent reason is our poor dietary habits.Causes of obesity in our children:Modern research on child obesity is quite disturbing indeed. Our children are being introduced to health problems at staggeringly young ages because parents are not feeding them correctly and ensuring that they get adequate exercise. Here are some tips to reverse your child’s progression towards childhood obesity:

Recognize that children do not need to have diets specifically for them. Healthy food is healthy food. It really doesn’t matter if your child prefers a Big Mac meal with supersized fries to a salmon filet and wild rice. You are the parent and you need to provide healthy food choices for your child. Just because your child is growing does not mean that they need every bit of food that they can possibly stuff down their throats. More is definitely not better. Sensible portions of nutrient-packed foods are what is needed. Just because a teenage boy feels like a big man because he can gobble down 3 nutritionally-void Whoppers from Burger King doesn’t mean anything at all. In fact, it is simply an invitation for lifelong health problems. Soda pop is a worthless concoction that should not be consumed. It is only simple sugars (monosaccharides), artificial flavorings and preservatives – a recipe for acne and health issues. Ensure that your children drink water, low-fat milk, green teas, fruit juices and loads of other non-soda beverages. Every living animal must exercise daily to remain healthy. That is a simple fact of nature. You and your family members should all get 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercise that is semi-challenging. The benefits are immeasurable. Make your children step away from the video games, computers and televisions to get outside in the fresh air and play for hours. Childhood obesity is the direct result of poor food provision and lacking physical activity levels – most often nothing more. Sure, we can attribute our overweight children to socio-economic factors, psychological turmoil, genetic predisposition and the like, but it all really just boils down to diet and exercise – the same as always. Take control of your child’s health beginning today. Make and take the time to plan and prepare wholesomely nutritious meals and enjoy them with your family after your daily exercise sessions. Living healthily is the best way to avoid both adult and childhood obesity.